Real World Learning with Kids On the Land

“Teaching students in the Kids on the Land program connects them to their sense of place and the world they live in. It touches their souls and connects them to real world learning in a meaningful life changing way.” Kathy Cash, Volunteer:

Part of the connection to our Mother Earth is learning to respect your peers when they are speaking. The children create talking sticks, using feathers and beads representing something important in their lives. In the Native American tradition, when someone is holding a talking stick they are allowed to share their truth without fear of judgement and no one else is allowed to talk.

The 3rd and 4th grade students from Seymour Elementary along with their teachers and principal, participated in the Kids On the Land program this spring.

“Instead of being crammed in the Elementary school we had plenty of space outside to learn! I just love the hot sunrays warming my back, and the mushy moist dirt on my legs.” Fourth Grade Student – Seymour Elementary

Our Founder Peggy Maddox is teaching the Insect lifecycle as a part of our STEM Environmental Science program.
“I learned that insects have 3 body parts, called the head, thorax, and abdomen. We even made a song that goes head, thorax, abdomen, abdomen – and it goes on and on.” Third Grade Student – Seymour Elementary

Board member and teacher Kathy Dickson inspires children to love and respect the land and to become stewards of the land where they live.

Students use Math and Science skills to determine bio diversity in the Insect Lab.

“Some of the students are experiencing nature in a way they have never been able to. In addition to the history and science (and geography) the students are going outside to experience these things first hand. The students are able to touch, smell, draw, and describe the plants and trees. I believe this field trip gives the students an amazing hands on experience that they will always remember.” Teacher quote.