Kids On the Land Partnership with Buzzi Unicem

We returned to in person teaching this fall with our first program at the Dickson 69 Ranch. Our wonderful local partner Buzzi Unicem provided great support joining us all week as LINKS – “Learning in Nature with Kids”. They also treated our sixth graders to hands on STEM lessons as they welcomed us into the cement plant.
Mike McHugh, Brian Howell, Pragya Kunwar and Phearum Or from Buzzi helped to teach a next generation of Texans to love the land where they live and give them knowledge to grow up and protect our environmental resources. Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grade Scholars in this STEM environmental education program use math and science in hands on outdoor learning experiences.
Tonya Osteen and the rest of the Buzzi Team welcomed our Goodwill Ambassador Cowboy Joe and the Sixth Grade Scholars to the Buzzi Unicem Plant!
Taking the School Bus down into the Quarry to the see and touch the layers of the Earth created over millions of years was exciting for all of us. What a great way to extend the walls of the classroom outdoors! We also had a puzzle to solve — how many sixth graders can fit in a Buzzi Shovel?
Sixth Graders get hands on experience in the Buzzi lab. We love how the Buzzi team makes science fun!
A huge thank you to the entire Buzzi Unicem team for all that they do for Kids On the Land. We are all so grateful!
Buzzi — ” Good People, Good Company, Good Cement!”
Marsha Stieglitz, Mike McHugh and Cowboy Joe are great Nature Champions!