Teachers of the Year – Peggy Maddox and Katherine Dickson

The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Districts recognized Peggy Maddox and Katherine Dickson as Conservation Teachers of the Year at their 75th Annual Dinner. We were honored to be there to support these incredible teachers who have impacted so many lives.

The Kids on the Land program reached over 1,250 scholars in 2015 reconnecting them to the land where they live.

This fine group of conservation minded folks honored Conservation Farmers, Ranchers and Friends during one of the most authentic heartwarming awards dinners I have ever attended. Our great friend and fellow teacher Mandi Ligon was with us for the evening. She has been an incredible supporter of the program and of Peggy and Katherine.

Thank you all for supporting the Kids On the Land program. Help us spread the word about how important it is to reconnect children to the place where they live. Tell your friends…..Like us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We are getting ready for a great 2016.